Casework Master Class – Welfare Benefits


Course Overview

This comprehensive course delivers vital training for constituent caseworkers dealing with welfare benefits inquiries, equipping them with the skills to handle the most common cases and navigate complex scenarios with confidence.

What You’ll Learn:

  • How to Manage Welfare Casework Enquiries: Practical guidance on handling common benefits inquiries.
  • Understanding Welfare Reforms: Impacts of the Benefits Cap and changes to Council Tax Benefit. Introduction and implications of Personal Independence Payments (PIP).
  • Dealing with Child-Related Cases:  Handling inquiries related to tax credits and child benefits. Managing complex child maintenance and support cases.
  • A brief Introduction to Universal Credit: Comprehensive overview of Universal Credit. Calculation methods and eligibility criteria.

" The trainer had expert knowledge. The course was well-structured and I found the case study examples & practical exercises very useful."

Why Attend?

  • Stay Updated: Learn about the latest changes in welfare benefits and their practical implications.
  • Gain Practical Skills: Participate in hands-on exercises and case studies.
  • Receive Expert Guidance: Benefit from professional advice on managing complex cases.
  • Improve Efficiency: Implement best practices to handle inquiries more effectively.


Participants will receive up-to-date information on the latest changes in welfare law and policy, along with in-depth case studies and best practices in casework management. This practical guidance will help streamline workload management and enhance overall efficiency in handling welfare benefits inquiries.


Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your skills and improve your effectiveness in managing welfare casework. Secure your place today to become a more confident and capable caseworker.


Contact Us

0207 930 8208

Whitehall House
41 Whitehall