Hostile Communications – Dealing with Persistent Verbal Abuse


Course Overview

Refine your approach to handling challenging interactions in a public sector setting with our comprehensive course on Hostile Communications. Designed specifically for professionals in front-facing roles, this course equips you with essential strategies to navigate and effectively manage extremely aggressive and difficult interactions.

Course Highlights :

  • Defusing Hostile Verbal Abuse: Learn practical tactics to calm hostile situations and defuse verbal abuse.
  • Managing Escalating Hostility: Gain insights into managing and de-escalating hostility from the general public.
  • Government Sector Perspective: Receive guidance tailored to handling hostility within a government sector context.
  • Psycho-Linguistic Techniques: Master techniques to assert control and reduce tension through advanced communication strategies.




"The course was empowering, providing advice plus reassurance, I needed to understand the psychology and motivation of angry callers."

Paula Cain, Complaints Case Manager, The Charity Commission

Additionally, the course emphasizes the importance of self-care and resilience. You will explore tailored modules on stress management and emotional regulation, ensuring you can safeguard your well-being while managing challenging interactions. By prioritizing your mental and emotional health, you will not only enhance your job performance but also foster a supportive work environment, empowering colleagues to navigate difficult situations confidently.





Contact Us

0207 930 8208

Whitehall House
41 Whitehall